Vocal Lessons in studio
3 Steps Singing Process
1st step:
Voice fundamentals / Diaphragmatic breathing/ Vocal Gym
You learn:
- Voice and Body Alignment: preparing your instrument to sing
- The most efficient Breathing Technique for Singing and 4 ways to expand your diaphragmatic breathing for stronger breath support.
- Neck and body stretches for singers (Vocal Gym)
2nd step: TUNING your Voice /Voice Warm ups /
Vocal Technique (with the piano)
- You learn The "Humming and Tapping" technique which stimulates and energizes your most valuable bass tone voice resonator!
- We TUNE YOUR VOICE! Actually we tune every single note of your vocal range by placing the notes phonetically on your physical instrument, your body!
- You learn to use the NEW RESONATORS of the Sing Positive©
method for a fuller voice sound (quite impresive results after a few lessons!)
- You end up with a strong powerful
clear and beautiful voice sound
- We try different styles of singing (you always choose the songs you love to sing (of course I am helping you through the way by enriching your options) so you can develop your own singing style.
- You learn Vibrato and dynamics
- You learn how to get rid of nasal sound/ breathy voice and other bothering stuff in your vocal sound!
- You learn Vocal Technique for life upgraded to the new singing data of the 21st century!
3rd step: YOU SING your songs!
You learn:
1. the 3 step song study formula
Suitable for:
- Singers of all kind and level
- People who want to improve their speaking and singing voice
- Public Speakers
- Singing enthusiasts
- Music Lovers